Diabetes and Foot Care Fear: 7 Ways to Protect Your Feet

Diabetics and treatment

What is the risk of soaking the feet of a diabetic client in the salon?

When people hear the complete explanation about diabetic feet, they will make their own decision on what makes sense. There is no need for me to contact anyone and in the end, it will work itself out. People will veer away from companies who are only trying to sell a product to use during a pedicure service in place of soaking the feet during the pedicure service.

If you are a nail technician and want to have a healthy, bountiful, successful career, I can teach you what you need to know. And remember— the client is the boss and you need to give them what they want!

On a side note, the pedicure thrones do have a weight capacity, and if you are over the limit, your technician may not be able to soak your feet. Just inquire before your service so you aren’t disappointed when you arrive.


I WAS informed technicians were told not to soak the feet for more than 3 or 4 minutes. I don’t know about you, but I take a bath and a shower for 20 minutes or more. Diabetics go swimming. They own swimming pools and hot tubs. 

People misinterpret or are not completely informed on what happens to the skin of a diabetic if they have uncontrolled diabetes. The most famous feet and most viewed feet on the Internet are diabetic feet. Yes, Mr. Meticulous is a diabetic. So if anyone wants to question or insinuate I don’t know what I am talking about, they would be completely wrong. 

The information you find online about soaking the feet is for people at home who are not able to care for their feet themselves and may inadvertently harm themselves.

Diabetic Feet

I have performed over 30k pedicures in my career as a nail technician, and thousands of my clients have been diabetic. 

  1. IF a client has uncontrolled diabetes, there is a chance they have reduced or no feeling in their feet. This is where the increased risk comes from.

  2. They could also have tight, dry skin and swollen feet.

  3. They may also already have an open fissure on their heel.

How to give pedicures to those with diabetes

IF these conditions are present— You, as a nail tech, need to replenish the moisture removed from the skin IF you are using Epsom salts in the pedicure water. And not have the water super hot. 

IF someone has tight, dry skin, they could put pressure on their foot and cause the skin to split and open a fissure on their skin or heel, and IF they have reduced feeling, the injury can go unnoticed, and if they are not bathing on a regular basis they injury could get infected, and THIS is what needs to be avoided. 

During every pedicure service in the salon, the nail technician should apply a lotion at the end of the service to replenish any moisture loss from the soak. Oils are also applied to the skin if the technician is using sea salt or sugar scrub like you see me using in my pedicure tutorials on YouTube, The Meticulous Manicurist Nail Tutorials.

When the moisture is put back into the skin, the risk of any injury happening is nearly void. I have never had a client in 28 years have their skin split. Most likely, any client who is in a vulnerable state is not strolling into your salon.

I posted a poll on my channel last year and asked the public what type of pedicure they prefer, and the results were. 97% PREFER SOAKING OVER A DRY PEDICURE. So pay attention to nail technicians. Give the public what they want. Email me if you have any questions, contact@themeticulousmanicurist.com, and better yet, become part of my network so clients can find you for their pedicure care ➡️ academy.themetiuclousmanicurist.com

IF YOU ARE DIABETIC and soak your feet at home, here are a few tips to help avoid complications.

  1. Use warm water, not hot.

  2. Minimize using salts to soften the skin as they can dry out the skin.

  3. Replenish the moisture to your feet by applying essential oils or lotions after soaking your feet.

  4. Inspect your feet on a daily basis to make sure you don’t have any injury to the skin that could become problematic

  5. Bathe on a regular basis to keep your hygiene tip-top.

  6. Avoid leaving your shoes and socks on all the time as moisture can accumulate in your shoes, too, creating the same concerns as soaking your feet. You don’t want your skin to split.

  7. Apply the Fissure Cream to any splits on your heels to get them to heal quickly. The skin will not heal any dirt or bacterial into the skin. This product will lift away deeply embedded material and allow the skin to heal.


Want to learn a safe and effective pedicure routine at home?

Check out my pedicure tutorials on YouTube found here.
There are over 500 videos for you to learn from.



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